To save the most money, the best time to make a decision on the type of hangar door you plan to use is at the start of your design process. The structure of your hangar has to account for the weight, size, dimensions, and requirements for your door.
Para-Port®️️ doors are competitive with other door systems on the market and you stand to save considerably by choosing a Para-Port®️️ door. Here’s why:
Sliding doors, folding fabric doors, bi-fold doors, hydraulic doors, and wide-span overhead doors all require substantial structural support in order to withstand the test of time, and in case you haven’t noticed, the price of materials everywhere has skyrocketed, but especially in the construction industry. During the pandemic, the demand and price for steel increased 200%, and although the price has started to drop, it is still trending higher than pre-pandemic rates. Because Para-Port®️️ doors are built to evenly distribute the weight of the door across the entire header and can be easily tied in to the building's preexisting framing system, they require far less structural investment to safely maintain and operate your hangar door.
As materials become more difficult to obtain, there's a resulting waterfall effect on project lead times. Other hangar door companies are experiencing delays for project start times up to 9 months, or longer. Lead times are less of an issue with a Para-Port®️️ door system. With less steel and materials, we have more capabilities to get what we need for your project in a time that makes sense for you. At a 4 month or less lead time, Para-Port®️️ is prepared to start your project on time.
The type and design of door systems have a material effect on other areas beyond the cost of the door system. Material, construction, and timeline expenses are costly factors that impact the bottom line of your hangar project. But when you’re shopping for hangar doors, these factors are simply not accounted for in the quoted price of a hangar door system.
Ask your architect or contractor to factor in the difference between various hangar door options, completely installed including any steel, eave height, foundation and concrete requirement before settling on a hangar door so you can get a complete picture of the budgetary implications.
Para-Port®️️ will save money on construction costs because our doors are lighter, have no significant point loads, require less overhead clearance, and don’t take up clear opening height, which will in turn reduce your overall material requirements. Reach out to Para-Port®️️ at or request a quote for your hangar door. If you have questions or need more information, do not hesitate to call our industry-leading customer service at (877) 247-7640.
This is all great, but saving a dime isn’t all you care about. You want a quality door that is good and appropriately priced. Explore Para-Port® Doors LLC to learn more about the reliability, energy efficiency, durability, wind rating, size, and seal that make our doors the perfect solution for today’s hangars.
Para-Port® Doors LLC
226 Heritage Drive
Tiffin, OH 44883
Phone: (877) 247-7640