There’s no reason your flight schedule should be delayed because you can’t get your hangar door open, and yet this is one of the biggest reasons people decide to make the switch to Para-Port® Doors.
Ice and wind negatively impact the functionality of large doors, making them unreliable in inclement weather. Your hangar door should keep the elements out while making it easy to access your aircraft, no matter what the weather situation is.
If your hangar is in a region that is regularly subjected to extreme cold, you know the problems ice and snow can cause for your equipment. Bifold and hydraulic doors freeze to the ground. Before you open a single panel door you have to clear away the drifts of snow.
This just isn’t the case with Para-Port® doors. Para-Port® doors are in service on hangars in the North Slope of Alaska, where average temperatures are below freezing nine months out of the year. Unlike bifold and hydraulic doors, ice and snow don’t stick to Para-Port® doors, removing one more barrier to operating in cold northern climates. Unlike other doors, Para-Port® doors will operate at the same speed regardless of weather conditions.
When it’s safe to operate your aircraft, don’t let a little (or a lot of) snow and ice on your hangar doors shut you down.
Not every climate has snow. But what about…
Other doors struggle to open in windy conditions, but not Para-Port®. If the wind catches your steel hangar door, it renders it inoperable and unsafe. The structural integrity of the entire door system is compromised. Para-Port® doors are fully operable in wind conditions up to 40 MPH.
The same Para-Port® doors have been in use at the Naples Jet Center for over 25 years. The original door systems have lasted through Hurricane Wilma in 2005 (125 mph winds), Hurricane Irma in 2017 (115 mph winds), and Hurricane Ian in 2022 (127+ mph winds).
The Para-Port® door system outperforms all configurations of swing-up doors in windy conditions without rendering it unusable or compromised.
Unlike any other door system, our doors are efficient in every climate. Everyone knows it takes time to open hangar doors, and during that time, you’re bound to lose some climate-controlled air.
The cycle time on a Para-Port® Door is fast, which promises the least amount of air exchange. Your heat and cooling recovery time is shorter with Para-Port®. Our doors operate at 13 feet per minute. While they’re operating, our hangar doors are still sealed across the top and down both sides of the door, keeping more of your climate-controlled air in when it’s time to open your doors. This saves you money, and is a more sustainable option.
The only downside to this efficiency is it’s been known to discourage some “new guy” hazing in the hangar. Wayne from Cincinnati has been in the industry for years. He shared that when he first started, they would put the new employees closer to the hangar door because that was always the coldest part of the hangar. He loves working in a hangar with a Para-Port® door. He could be in a t-shirt right next to the Para-Port® door and still be warm.
Weather should never keep you grounded just because you can’t get your hangar door to open. Connect with Para-Port® Doors LLC or give us a call at (877) 247-7640 to learn more about retrofitting or incorporating one of our doors into your new hangar design.
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226 Heritage Drive
Tiffin, OH 44883
Phone: (877) 247-7640